home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10000 No error.
- 10001 A file error has occurred.
- 10003 The directory is full.
- 10004 The document's disk or the disk used for temporary files is full.
- 10005 The disk containing this file is not available.
- 10006 A file I/O error has occurred.
- 10007 A file read error has occurred.
- 10008 A file write error has occurred.
- 10009 End of file was reached unexpectedly.
- 10010 This file is locked.
- 10011 This disk is locked and cannot be written to.
- 10012 This file is busy and cannot be deleted.
- 10013 Another file already exists under the same name.
- 10014 This file is already open or in use by another application.
- 10015 You do not have access to this file.
- 10016 You do not have permission to write to this file.
- 10017 This file cannot be found.
- 10018 File open failed.
- 10019 Bytes not ready.
- 10020 User requested stop.
- 10021 A file I/O error has occurred. The file connection timed out.
- 10022 A file I/O error has occurred. The file is blocked while reading.
- 10500 No error
- 10501 Read error.
- 10502 Write error.
- 10503 Syntax error.
- 10504 The file needs to be repaired.
- 10505 Could not repair file.
- 10506 A temporary file could not be opened.
- 10507 The temporary file is full or nearly full. Close or save any modified documents.
- 10508 Stream source is shorter than specified length.
- 10509 A stream specifies an unknown filter.
- 10510 Operation or data is too complex.
- 10511 Cos document table full.
- 10512 A number is out of range.
- 10513 Expected a null object.
- 10514 Expected a dict object.
- 10515 Expected an array object.
- 10516 Expected a number object.
- 10517 Expected a boolean object.
- 10518 Expected a name object.
- 10519 Expected a string object.
- 10520 Expected a stream object.
- 10521 This direct object already has a container.
- 10522 Implementation failure: this document is now invalid.
- 10523 Desired operation cannot be performed on this object.
- 10524 Array out-of-bounds error.
- 10525 Dict key must be a name object.
- 10526 This file must be saved with a full save.
- 10527 Error in encryption filter.
- 10528 Error in JPEG data filter.
- 10529 Error in CCITT fax data filter.
- 10530 Error in LZW data filter.
- 10531 Error in Flate data filter.
- 10532 Expected a direct object.
- 10533 Bad master index.
- 10534 Obsolete format: treating file as non-linearized
- 10535 Temp file unexpectedly short.
- 10536 The Save operation was cancelled.
- 10537 Encryption and decryption are not supported.
- 10750 No syntax error.
- 10751 File does not begin with '%PDF-'.
- 10752 Missing %%EOF.
- 10753 Could not find startxref address.
- 10754 Value of startxref address not an integer.
- 10755 Missing 'xref'.
- 10756 Xref header should be two integers.
- 10757 Error reading xref entry.
- 10758 Trailer dictionary start missing '<<'.
- 10759 Object label badly formatted.
- 10760 Unrecognized object name.
- 10761 Unrecognized token type.
- 10762 Missing endstream.
- 10763 Unexpected endstream.
- 10764 Unterminated string.
- 10765 String too long.
- 10766 Token too long.
- 10767 Non-hex character in a hex string.
- 10768 Unexpected token type.
- 10769 End of image not found.
- 10770 Unexpected end of dictionary.
- 10771 Unexpected end of array.
- 10772 Error reading dictionary.
- 10773 Error reading object.
- 10774 Expected dictionary or array.
- 10775 Bad foreign object reference.
- 10776 Parse stack underflow while reading object.
- 10777 Error reading linearized hint data
- 10778 Non-hex character after # in a name.
- 10779 Illegal characters in a name.
- 10780 An object reference is invalid.
- 11000 No error.
- 11001 An internal error occurred.
- 11002 Out of memory.
- 11003 Bad parameter.
- 11004 Operation or data is too complex.
- 11005 Attempt to release an unlocked object.
- 11006 Exception stack overflow.
- 11007 Failed to load an application resource (internal error).
- 11008 Attempt to register an object with a name already in use.
- 11009 Attempt to call a method that has not been implemented.
- 11250 No error.
- 11251 Initialization of the font server module failed.
- 11252 No Multiple Master fonts were found.
- 11253 Adobe Type Manager was not found.
- 11254 A new version of Adobe Type Manager is required.
- 11255 The Type 1 font 'ZapfDingbats' must be installed.
- 11256 Font download failed.
- 11257 Font download aborted.
- 11258 Bad parameter passed to font server.
- 11259 No ZapfDingbats or Multiple Master fonts found.
- 11500 No error.
- 11501 Too few operands.
- 11502 Wrong operand type.
- 11503 Operand too large.
- 11504 The page contents object has the wrong type.
- 11505 Expected a number while parsing an image.
- 11506 Expected end of color space.
- 11507 Expected AsciiHex or Ascii85 string.
- 11508 There was an error while trying to parse an image.
- 11509 Bad object type within a text operator array.
- 11510 Found an unexpected operator in the display list.
- 11511 Invalid restore.
- 11512 Font has not been set.
- 11513 Too few operands in path.
- 11514 Image in Form, Type 3 font, or Pattern is too big.
- 11515 Error while parsing a Form, Type 3 font, or Pattern.
- 11516 Invalid Type 3 font.
- 11517 A font is not in the Resources dictionary.
- 11518 Dash arguments are invalid.
- 11519 Array length is out of range.
- 11520 A number value is out of range.
- 11521 A color value is out of range.
- 11522 There is an illegal operator inside a text outline object.
- 11523 A curve operator has the wrong number of operands.
- 11524 There were several parsing errors on this page.
- 11525 Wrong operand type - expected type '%s'.
- 11526 Could not find a font in the Resources dictionary - using Helvetica instead.
- 11527 Could not find the XObject named '%s'.
- 11528 Could not find the Form named '%s'.
- 11529 Unknown XObject type '%s'.
- 11530 Read less image data than expected.
- 11531 An unrecognized token '%s' was found.
- 11532 Token type not recognized.
- 11533 There were too few arguments.
- 11534 There were too many arguments.
- 11535 An operand is too large.
- 11536 There was an error reading page %s near the contents:
- 11537 Expected 'EI' while parsing an image.
- 11538 Unknown filter name.
- 11539 Bad decode array.
- 11540 Illegal operation inside a path.
- 11541 Illegal operation '%s' inside a text object.
- 11542 Read less image color data than expected.
- 11543 Wrong number of arguments for a setcolor operator.
- 11544 Unknown ColorSpace '%s'.
- 11545 Could not find the ColorSpace named '%s'.
- 11546 Invalid Form.
- 11547 Illegal operation '%s' outside text object.
- 11548 Form type '%s' is not supported.
- 11550 Internal error - machine called recursively.
- 11551 An image is specified as an image mask with more than 1 bit per pixel.
- 11552 Invalid Pattern.
- 11553 Pattern type '%s' is not supported.
- 11554 Could not find the Pattern named '%s'.
- 11555 Invalid ColorSpace.
- 11556 A resource is missing
- 11557 Dictionary is missing the key '%s'.
- 11558 Could not find the Extended Graphics State named '%s'.
- 11559 Invalid Extended Graphics State.
- 11560 Invalid Function resource.
- 11561 An image uses a color space which will not separate correctly in some applications.
- 11562 Error in Shading dictionary.
- 11563 Error in Masked Image.
- 11564 There were too many color components.
- 11565 A feature requires PostScript 3.
- 11566 Invalid alternate image for the XObject named '%s'.
- 11750 No error.
- 11751 Bad font object or font descriptor object.
- 11752 Error while trying to embed a font.
- 11753 The root object is missing or invalid.
- 11754 The base pages object is missing or invalid.
- 11755 The outlines object is missing or invalid.
- 11756 Invalid or corrupt font metrics in the resource file.
- 11757 A page object is missing or invalid.
- 11758 Error while processing thumbnail.
- 11759 Invalid annotation object.
- 11760 The document's page tree contains an invalid node.
- 11761 Information needed to print a page is unavailable.
- 11762 This file could not be opened.
- 11763 Unable to open file for writing. It may be locked or unavailable.
- 11764 Unable to write file.
- 11765 Unable to rename temporary file to Save As name.
- 11766 Unable to recover original file.
- 11767 Unable to read file.
- 11768 This is not a valid Portable Document File (PDF) document. It cannot be opened.
- 11769 This file is already open.
- 11770 This file cannot be opened because it contains too many pages.
- 11771 There is not enough temporary disk space for this operation.
- 11772 Inserting this file would result in a document with too many pages.
- 11773 There is an error in the bookmarks.
- 11774 Cannot open more bookmarks.
- 11775 Unable to extract embedded font.
- 11776 An error occurred while creating the document notes file.
- 11777 This document has no notes.
- 11778 The copy of a page failed.
- 11779 This file is damaged.
- 11780 The font '%s' contains bad /Flags.
- 11781 The font '%s' contains a bad /BBox.
- 11782 The font '%s' contains bad /Widths.
- 11783 OBSOLETE
- 11784 This file can only be saved using Save As.
- 11785 Creation of the notes file was cancelled.
- 11786 One or more pages are in use and could not be deleted.
- 11787 There is not enough memory available to open the document.
- 11788 Unable to close document due to outstanding references.
- 11789 This document requires a password.
- 11790 This operation is not permitted.
- 11791 The security plug-in required by this command is unavailable.
- 11792 Invalid article object.
- 11793 Invalid article element.
- 11794 Error while processing articles.
- 11795 Unknown action type.
- 11796 Invalid action object.
- 11797 This file contains information not understood by the viewer. It cannot be used for this operation.
- 11798 This viewer cannot decrypt this document.
- 11799 Unable to extract the embedded font '%s'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.
- 11800 Unable to find or create the font '%s'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.
- 11801 Invalid annotation color (only RGB colors are allowed).
- 11802 Cannot execute this command on an unsecured document.
- 11803 The font '%s' contains bad /FontDescriptor metrics.
- 11804 There was an error while inserting or extracting pages and another error while trying to recover.
- 11805 Invalid bookmark object.
- 11806 Invalid file specification object.
- 11807 This document was successfully saved, but an error occurred after saving the document. Please close and reopen the document.
- 11808 Some text in the font and character '%s' could not be displayed or printed correctly. The font could not be reencoded.
- 11809 Not enough bytes in text string for multibyte character code.
- 11810 A font contains a bad CMap /Encoding.
- 11811 The font '%s' cannot be displayed with the installed version of ATM.
- 11812 This file cannot be opened because it has no pages.
- 11813 ATM is running out of memory. Text in font '%s' may not render properly.
- 11814 There is not enough memory to optimize this file.
- 11815 The Save operation was cancelled.
- 11816 These documents contain subset fonts that have the same name and cannot be merged.
- 11817 This document was successfully saved, but an error occurred after saving the document. Please close and reopen the document.
- 11818 There is no PDDoc associated with this CosDoc.
- 11819 The application has not set the host encoding.
- 11820 Invalid font '%s' is removed from this document.
- 12000 No error.
- 12001 Unable to initialize font encoding tables.
- 12002 A security plug-in is already registered with this name.
- 12250 No error.
- 12251 The dimensions of this page are out-of-range.
- 12252 Invalid Type 3 font.
- 12253 Type 3 font is too complex to print.
- 12254 Form is too complex to print.
- 12255 Creation of a raster port failed.
- 12500 No error.
- 12501 Initialization of the rasterizer module failed.
- 12502 Creation of rasterizer port failed.
- 12503 A drawing error occurred.